
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 648927-86-0 Cat. No. BCP44770
Name Firibastat
Synonyms RB-150; RB150;RB 150; QGC 001; QGC 001; QGC001;
Formula C8H20N2O6S4 M. Wt 368.51
  • Biological Activity
Description Firibastat, also known as QGC-001 and RB-150, is a glutamyl aminopeptidase antagonist potentially for the treatment of hypertension. Firibastat is an orally active prodrug of the specific and selective APA inhibitor, EC33. When given orally, RB150/firibastat crosses the gastrointestinal and blood-brain barriers, enters the brain, and generates two active molecules of EC33 which inhibit brain APA activity, blocking brain angiotensin III formation, and decrease blood pressure for several hours in hypertensive rats.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets Aminopeptidase 


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