
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 2230490-29-4 Cat. No. BCP49223
Name Tinengotinib
Synonyms Tinengotinibum;TT-00420;
Formula C20H19ClN6O M. Wt 394.86
  • Biological Activity
Description Tinengotinib is an orally available small molecule inhibitor of Aurora kinases (AKs) A and B, Janus kinases (JAKs), fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs), with potential antineoplastic and immunomodulatory activities. Upon oral administration, tinengotinib selectively binds to and inhibits AKs A and B, which inhibit cell division in tumor cells that overexpress AKs. Tinengotinib also targets JAKs that are involved in cytokine signaling and inflammation, and FGFRs and VEGFRs, which are overexpressed in the microenvironment (TME) and contribute to neovascularization, tumor growth and metastasis. These kinases are overexpressed by a wide variety of cancer cell types and drive tumor cell proliferation.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage Epigenetics 
Targets Aurora 


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