Ambroxol hydrochloride

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 23828-92-4 Cat. No. BCP04490
Name Ambroxol hydrochloride
Synonyms Ambroxol HCl;NA-872; NA872; NA 872;
Formula C13H19Br2ClN2O M. Wt 414.56
  • Biological Activity
Description Ambroxol inhibits Na+ channels in sensory neurons. The potency for tonic block of TTX-r channels is relatively high. Ambroxol affects the Na+ current kinetics of TTX-r and TTX-s channels differently. In CNaIIA cells, the compound behaves like a charged local anesthetic: the block is dependent on stimulus number and increases with higher frequencies in a train of depolarizing stimuli. In CNaIIA cells, ambroxol inhibits inactivated channels 5.5-fold more potently than resting channels. The corresponding factor for TTX-r channels is only 3.3.Ambroxol inhibits the release of histamine, leukotrienes and cytokines from human leukocytes and mast cells.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets Others 


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