
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 129497-78-5 Cat. No. BCP04238
Name Verteporfin
Synonyms CL 318952;CL318952;CL-318952;
Formula C41H42N4O8 M. Wt 718.79
  • Biological Activity
Description Verteporfin (trade name Visudyne), a benzoporphyrin derivative, is a medication used as a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy to eliminate the abnormal blood vessels in the eye associated with conditions such as the wet form of macular degeneration. Verteporfin accumulates in these abnormal blood vessels and, when stimulated by nonthermal red light with a wavelength of 693 nm in the presence ofoxygen, produces highly reactive short-lived singlet oxygen and other reactive oxygen radicals, resulting in local damage to theendothelium and blockage of the vessels. Verteporfin is also used off-label for the treatment of central serous retinopathy. Verteporfin is given intravenously, 15 minutes before laser treatment. Most common side effects are, blurred vision, headache, and local effects at the injectionsite. Also, photosensitivity; it is advised to avoid exposure to sunlight and unscreened lighting until 48 hours after the injection of verteporfin. None known. Verteporfin has no infl
Pathways Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase 
Targets VDA 


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