Cyclosporin B

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 63775-95-1 Cat. No. BCP04175
Name Cyclosporin B
Synonyms Cyclosporine Impurity-B; Antibiotic S 7481F2;CyclosporinB;
Formula C61H109N11O12 M. Wt 1188.61
  • Biological Activity
Description Cyclosporin B is an immunosuppressant that has revolutionized organ transplantation through its use in the prevention of graft rejection. A group of nonpolar cyclic oligopeptides with immunosuppressant activity. Cyclosporin B is a derivative of cyclosporin A that exhibits significantly less immunosuppressive activity. Cyclosporin B displays antiviral properties, inhibiting entry of hepatitis B into hepatocytes. Cyclosporin B also inhibits RANKL-induced TRAP phosphatase activity, inducing apoptosis in osteoclasts.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets Others 


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