
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 677338-12-4 Cat. No. BCP01905
Name PIK-90
Synonyms PIK90;PIK 90;
Formula C18H17N5O3 M. Wt 351.36
  • Biological Activity
Description PIK-90 shows distinct patterns of isoform selectivity to inhibit different subsets of four class I PI3K isoforms. In addition, PIK-90 completely inhibits the fMLP-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt and impairs polarity and chemotaxis in dHL60 cells. PIK-90 exhibits significantly antiproliferative activity by effectively blocking phosphorylation of Akt in six glioma cell lines varying in mutational status at PTEN or p53, including U87 MG, SF188, SF763, LN229, A1207 and LN-Z30 cells. Moreover, PIK-90 induces a modest G0G1 arrest at a concentration (0.5 μM) sufficient to inhibit phosphorylation of Akt substantially. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells, PIK-90 inhibits chemotaxis to levels that are 57.8% of controls at 1 μM and 56.8% of controls at 10 μM. Consistently, PIK-90 inhibits pseudoemperipolesis to levels that are 74.2% PIK-90 of controls at 1 μM and 57.9% of controls at 10 μM. In addition, PIK-90 also leads to a significant reduction of CLL cell migration into the stromal
Pathways PI3K/Akt/mTOR 
Targets PI3K 


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