
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1676893-24-5 Cat. No. BCP20676
Name NSC781406
Formula C29H27F2N6O6S2 M. Wt 627.68
  • Biological Activity
Description NSC781406 demonstrates potent PI3K inhibition (PI3Kα IC50=2.0 nM) that translates into BEL-7404 cells proliferation inhibition (IC50=20 nM). NSC781406 displays reasonable liver microsome stability. NSC781406 demonstrates cytotoxic activities against leukemia, non-small cell, lung cancer, colon cancer, central nervous system cancer, melanoma, ovarian cancer, renal cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. It is potent against 60 cancer cell lines with a mean GI50 value of 65 nM, and with a GI50 value less than 10 nM against four cancer cell lines.
Pathways PI3K/Akt/mTOR 
Targets PI3K mTOR 


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