
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 197723-00-5 Cat. No. BCP26252
Name NKP-1339
Synonyms NKP 1339;NKP1339;KP1339;KP 1339;KP-1339;
Formula C14H12Cl4N4NaRu M. Wt 502.14
  • Biological Activity
Description NKP-1339, also known as KP-1339, is a ruthenium-containing cancer agent targeting transferrin with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon intravenous administration, NKP-1339 (Ru3+) binds to transferrin (Tf) and is taken up via Tf receptors (TfR), which are overexpressed on cancer cells. Once inside the cell, NKP-1339 is released from Tf and is reduced, within the acidic environment of the endosomes, to its active form NKP-119 (Ru2+). In turn, the active form induces a redox reaction, thereby leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which inhibits GRP78 and SOD, endoplasmic reticulum-stress modulating molecules as well as BAG4 and ERK, program cell death regulating molecules.This eventually induces caspase-dependent apoptosis.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets Others 


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