MB 07133

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 685111-92-6 Cat. No. BCP28904
Name MB 07133
Synonyms MB-07133; MB07133;
Formula C17H21N4O8P M. Wt 440.34
  • Biological Activity
Description MB07133 is a novel cytarabine (araC) prodrug that uses the HepDirect technology to target production of the active form of araC, araC triphosphate (araCTP), to the liver. As the levels of araCTP achieved in the liver at therapeutic doses are only toxic to proliferating cells (such as those in HCC tumors), but not the non-proliferative adjacent tissue, MB07133 treatment has the potential to be both efficacious and well tolerated in HCC patients.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets DNA/RNA Synthesis 


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