
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 33880-83-0 Cat. No. BCP31326
Name beta-Elemene
Synonyms ß-Elemene;
Formula C15H24 M. Wt 204.35
  • Biological Activity
Description beta-Elemene belongs to the class of organic compounds known as elemane sesquiterpenoids. These are sesquiterpenoids with a structure based on the elemane skeleton. Elemane is a monocyclic compound consisting of a cyclohexane ring substituted with a methyl group, an ethyl group, and two 1-methylethyl groups at the 1-, 1-, 2-, and 4-position, respectively. beta-Elemene can be found in herbs, spices, and root vegetables, which makes beta-elemene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. It is a constituent of sweet flag, juniper oils, and Mentha species.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets PAK 


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