Sofpironium bromide

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1628106-94-4 Cat. No. BCP43183
Name Sofpironium bromide
Synonyms BBI-4000; BBI4000; BBI 4000;
Formula C22H32BrNO5 M. Wt 470.4
  • Biological Activity
Description Sofpironium bromide, also known as BBI-4000, belongs to a class of drugs called ‘anticholinergics,’ which exert their effect by blocking the action of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits signals within the nervous system that are responsible for a range of bodily functions, including the activation of sweat glands. Soft-anticholinergics, such as sofpironium bromide, exert their action topically and are rapidly metabolized into a considerably less active metabolite when they reach the blood system, thus potentially allowing for effective doses to be used while reducing the limiting systemic side effects associated with other drugs in this class.
Pathways Neuro Signaling Pathway GPCR/G Protein 
Targets mAChR 


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