
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 68489-09-8 Cat. No. BCP43788
Name WS-12
Synonyms WS 12; WS12;
Formula C18H27NO2 M. Wt 289.42
  • Biological Activity
Description WS-12 is a potent TRPM8 agonist that acts as a cooling agent (EC50 = 193 nM). WS-12 robustly activated TRPM8 in low micromolar concentrations (EC50 12+/-5 microM) thereby displaying a higher potency and efficacy compared to menthol (EC50 196+/-22 microM). The selectivity profile of WS-12, its several-fold higher potency and around two-fold increase in efficacy compared to menthol warrants its potential utility for therapy in chronic neuropathic pain states and as a diagnostic probe in prostate cancer.
Pathways Ion Channel/Membrane Transporter 
Targets TRP Channel 


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