
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1638266-40-6 Cat. No. BCP46251
Name Bersacapavir
Synonyms JNJ-6379; JNJ 6379; JNJ6379; JNJ-56136379; JNJ 56136379; JNJ56136379; JNJ-379; JNJ 379; JNJ379;
Formula C16H14F4N4O3S M. Wt 418.37
  • Biological Activity
Description Bersacapavir, also known as JNJ-6379, JNJ-56136379, or JNJ-379, a capsid assembly modulator that blocks hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication. JNJ-56136379 median 50% effective concentration (EC50) values across all genotypes were 10-33 nM versus 17 nM (genotype D reference). JNJ-56136379 remained active against isolates carrying nucleos(t)ide analogue resistance mutations (median EC50 2-25 nM) or basal core promoter (BCP) ± precore (PC) mutations (median EC50 13-20 nM) or PC mutations (median EC50 11 nM), representing activity against isolates from HBeAg-positive and -negative hepatitis B patients.
Pathways Microbiology/Virology 
Targets HBV 


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