
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1984890-99-4 Cat. No. BCP46831
Name ACT-451840
Synonyms ACT451840; ACT 451840;
Formula C47H54N6O3 M. Wt 750.97
  • Biological Activity
Description ACT-451840 is an orally active, potent and low-toxicity compound, showing activity against sensitive and resistant plasmodium falciparum strains. ACT-451840 targets all asexual blood stages of the parasite, has a rapid onset of action. ACT-451840 behaves in a way similar to artemisinin derivatives, with very rapid onset of action and elimination of parasite. ACT-451840 can be used for the research of malarial.
Pathways Microbiology/Virology 
Targets Antiparasitics 


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