• Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1393814-38-4 Cat. No. BCP46925
Name TC LPA5 4
Synonyms TCLPA54; TCLPA 54;LPA5-IN-4; LPA5-IN4; LPA5IN4; TC-LPA5-4;
Formula C23H23ClN2O3 M. Wt 410.89
  • Biological Activity
Description TC LPA5 4 is a LPA5 (GPR92)-specific non-lipid antagonist. TC LPA5 4 inhibits LPA-induced aggregation of isolated human platelet (LPA5-RH7777 cell line) with an IC50 of 800 nM. TC LPA5 4 displays selectivity for LPA5 over 80 other screened drug targets. TC LPA5 4 inhibits cell proliferation and migration of thyroid cancer cells.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 


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