
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 592542-59-1 Cat. No. BCP08296
Name Rigosertib
Synonyms Glycine, N-[2-Methoxy-5-[[[(1E)-2-(2,4,6-triMethoxyphenyl)ethenyl]sulfonyl]Methyl]phenyl]-;
Formula C21H24NNaO8S M. Wt 473.43
  • Biological Activity
Description PI3K signaling promotes the growth and survival of cells under stressful conditions, such as under low oxygen levels that are often found in tumors. If the PI3K pathway is over-active, apoptosis of cancer cells is diminished, leading to excessive cellular growth. By inhibiting the PI3K pathway, rigosertib promotes tumor cell apoptosis. Rigosertib also influences signals along the PI3K pathway, such as those leading to the production of cyclin D1.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets PLK 


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