
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 187235-37-6 Cat. No. BCP21111
Name Pretomanid
Synonyms PA824; PA 824;PA-824;
Formula C14H12F3N3O5 M. Wt 359.26
  • Biological Activity
Description PA-824 is an experimental anti-tuberculosis drug and one of two nitroimidazoles in phase II clinical trials to treat tuberculosis. PA-824 was tested in vitro against a broad panel of multidrug-resistant clinical isolates and was found to be highly active against all isolates (MIC<1 microg/ml). The activity of PA-824 against M. tuberculosis was also assessed grown under conditions of oxygen depletion. PA-824 showed significant activity at 2, 10, and 50 microg/ml, similar to that of metronidazole,
Pathways Microbiology/Virology 
Targets Antibiotic 


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