Hydralazine hydrochloride

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 304-20-1 Cat. No. BCP06289
Name Hydralazine hydrochloride
Formula C8H8ClN4 M. Wt 196.64
  • Biological Activity
Description Hydralazine (apresoline) is a direct-acting smooth muscle relaxant used to treat hypertension by acting as a vasodilator primarily in arteries and arterioles. By relaxing vascular smooth muscle, vasodilators act to decrease peripheral resistance, thereby lowering blood pressure and decreasing afterload. However, this only has a short term effect on blood pressure, as the system will reset to the previous, high blood pressure necessary to maintain pressure in the kidney necessary for natriuresis. The long term effect of antihypertensive drugs comes from their effects on the pressure natriuresis curve. It belongs to the hydrazinophthalazine class of drugs. Hydralazine may reduce blood pressure when compared to placebo in patients with primary hypertension, however this data is based on before and after studies, not RCTs. Furthermore, its effect on clinical outcomes remains uncertain .
Pathways Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase Ion Channel/Membrane Transporter 
Targets Potassium Channel HIF 


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