
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 313348-27-5 Cat. No. BCP04173
Name Regadenoson
Synonyms CVT-3146; CVT 3146; CVT3146;
Formula C15H18N8O5 M. Wt 390.35
  • Biological Activity
Description Regadenoson is an A2A adenosine receptor agonist that is a coronary vasodilator that is commonly used in pharmacologic stress testing. It produces hyperemia quickly and maintains it for a duration that is useful for radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging. The selective nature of the drug makes it preferable to other stress agents such as adenosine, which are less selective and therefore cause more side-effects.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Adenosine Receptor 


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