Betaxolol HCl

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 63659-19-8 Cat. No. BCP02967
Name Betaxolol HCl
Synonyms Lokren;
Formula C18H29NO3.HCl M. Wt 343.89
  • Biological Activity
Description Betaxolol is a cardioselective beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent. Betaxolol (5 mg/kg via i.p. injection) was administered at 24 and then 44 h following the final chronic cocaine administration. Animals treated with betaxolol during cocaine withdrawal exhibited a significant attenuation of anxiety-like behavior characterized by increased time spent in the open arms and increased entries into the open arms compared to animals treated with only saline during cocaine withdrawal. Betaxolol did not produce anxiolytic-like effects in control animals treated chronically with saline. Betaxolol produces less systemic beta 2- and possibly beta 1-adrenergic receptor blockade than either timolol or levobunolol. Betaxolol may be relatively safer to use in patients with reactive airway disease than either timolol or levobunolol .
Pathways Neuro Signaling Pathway GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Adrenergic Receptor 


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