
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 819812-04-9 Cat. No. BCP02906
Name KW-2478
Synonyms KW2478;KW 2478;
Formula C30H42N2O9 M. Wt 574.66
  • Biological Activity
Description KW-2478 degradates the Hsp90 client proteins, including FGFR3 and IGF-1Rβand c-Raf-1. KW-2478 reduces the level of phosphorylated Erk1/2. KW-2478 induces apoptosis by cleavage of PARP, a substrate of caspase-3 In U266 cells,. KW-2478 has Time dependency of antiproliferative activity, consecutive drug exposure for at least 12 hours is necessary to to exert potent antitumor activity. KW-2478 downregulates the translocation products of IgH locus. KW-2478 inhibits the transcription of c-Maf and cyclin D1 genes by mainly suppressing the function of Cdk9.KW-2478 has potent and broad growth inhibitory activities against various cell lines, KW-2478 inhibites cancer cell growth in all cell lines, with EC50 of 101-252 nM, 81.4-91.4 nM and 120-622 nM for B-cell lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma, respectively. KW-2478 also shows potent growth inhibitory activity in primary CLL and NHL cells with EC50 of 40-170 nM and 200-400 nM, respectively.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets HSP 


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