Arecoline hydrobromide

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 300-08-3 Cat. No. BCP02923
Name Arecoline hydrobromide
Formula C8H13NO2.HBr M. Wt 236.11
  • Biological Activity
Description Arecoline is an alkaloid found in the areca nut. Arecoline. a drug obtained from the Areca Catechu L., induced a dose-dependent antinociception (0.3-1 mg kg(-1) i.p.) which was prevented by the muscarinic antagonists pirenzepine (0.1 microg per mouse i.c.v.) and S-(-)-ET-126 (0.01 microg per mouse i.c.v.) . Arecoline exerts its excitatory actions by binding to M2-muscarinic receptors on the cell membrane of neurons of the locus coeruleus . Arecoline (1 nM - 1 microM) produced a concentration-dependent contraction in both the longitudinal and the circular smooth muscle of rabbit colon. Atropine (10 microM) abolished the arecoline (80 nM)--induced contraction. M3 receptor antagonist, 4 - DAMP (0.4 microM), abolished the arecoline (80 nM)--related response, whereas M2 receptor antagonist, gallamine (0.4 microM), did not affect the effect of arecoline. These results suggest that arecoline excites the colonic motility via M3 receptor in rabbits .
Pathways Neuro Signaling Pathway GPCR/G Protein 
Targets mAChR 


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