
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1225497-78-8 Cat. No. BCP02852
Name ON-01910
Synonyms Rigosertib;ON01910;ON 01910;
Formula C21H24NNaO8S M. Wt 473.47
  • Biological Activity
Description Rigosertib is non-ATP-competitive inhibitor to PLK1 with IC50 of 9 nM. Rigosertib also exhibits inhibition against PLK2, PDGFR, Flt1, BCR-ABL, Fyn, Src, and CDK1, with IC50 of 18-260 nM. Rigosertib shows cell killing activity against 94 different tumor cell lines with IC50 of 50-250 nM, including BT27, MCF-7, DU145, PC3, U87, A549, H187, RF1, HCT15, SW480, and KB cells. While in normal cells, such as HFL, PrEC, HMEC, and HUVEC, Rigosertib has little or no effect unless its concentration is greater than 5-10 μM. In HeLa cells, Rigosertib (100-250 nM) induces spindle abnormalities and apoptosis. Rigosertib also inhibits several multidrug resistant tumor cell lines, including MES-SA, MES-SA/DX5a, CEM, and CEM/C2a, with IC50 of 50-100 nM. In DU145 cells, Rigosertib (0.25-5 μM) blocks cell cycle progression in G2/M phase, results in an accumulation of cells containing subG1 content of DNA, and activates apoptotic pathways. In A549 cells, Rigosertib (50 nM-0.5 μM) induces loss of viability a
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets PLK 


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