
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 152121-30-7 Cat. No. BCP00675
Name SB202190
Synonyms SB 202190;SB-202190;FHPI;
Formula C20H14N3OF M. Wt 331.34
  • Biological Activity
Description SB 202190 significantly inhibits both basal and anti-Fas antibody-induced MAPKAPK 2 activity in a dose-dependent manner. SB202190 by itself is sufficient to induce cell death in Jurkat and HeLa cells through activation of CPP32-like caspases, which can be blocked by expression of bcl-2. SB202190-induced apoptosis is attenuated by p38β but augmented by p38α. SB 202190 strongly inhibits UVB induced COX-2 protein expression in HaCaT cells, and markedly inhibits UVB induced cox-2 mRNA.
Pathways MAPK Pathway 
Targets p38 MAPK 


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