
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1138549-36-6 Cat. No. BCP02547
Name CX-5461
Synonyms CX5461;CX 5461;Pidnarulex;
Formula C27H27N7O2S M. Wt 513.61
  • Biological Activity
Description CX-5461 is found to selectively inhibit rRNA synthesis (Pol I IC50=142 nM; Pol II IC50 > 25 μM; selectivity ~200-fold) in the HCT-116 cells. Selective inhibition of rRNA synthesis by CX-5461 is confirmed in two other human solid tumor cell lines; melanoma A375 (Pol I IC50 = 113 nM; Pol II IC50 > 25 μM) and pancreatic carcinoma MIA PaCa-2 (Pol I IC50=54 nM; Pol II IC50 ~25 mM). CX-5461 possesses 250- to 300-fold selectivity for inhibition of rRNA transcription versus DNA replication and protein translation. CX-5461 exhibits broad antiproliferative potency in a panel of cancer cell lines in human cancer cell lines, but has minimal effect on viability of nontransformed human cells.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets DNA/RNA Synthesis 


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