
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 147127-20-6 Cat. No. BCP02416
Name Tenofovir
Synonyms (R)-PMPA;GS-1278;GS 1278;GS1278;TDF;PMPA;
Formula C9H14N5O4P M. Wt 287.21
  • Biological Activity
Description Tenofovir reduces the viral cytopathic effect of HIV-1(IIIB), HIV-2(ROD) and HIV(EHO) with EC50 of 1.15 μg/mL, 1.12 μg/mL and 1.05 μg/mL in MT-4 cells. Tenofovir also reduces the viral cytopathic effect of SIV(mac251) , SIV(B670) ,SHIV(89.6) and SHIV(RTSHIV). Tenofovir is uniquely active against multinucleoside-resistant HIV expressing the Q151M mutation, but shows reduced susceptibility to the T69S insertion mutations. Tenofovir inhibits hepatitis B virus (HBV) activity in HepG2 2.2.15, HepAD38 and HepAD79 cells. Tenofovir (4 μM) completely inhibits the growth of HIVIIIB in MT-2 cells. Tenofovir inhibits synthesis of negative strand strong-stop DNA with IC50 of 9 μM for wild-type RT, 6 μM for M184V RT and 50 μM for K65R RT.
Pathways Microbiology/Virology 
Targets Reverse Transcriptase HBV HIV 
  • Publications Citing
Thermosensitive Chitosan Hydrogels Containing Polymeric Microspheres for Vaginal Drug Delivery

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BMAL1 moonlighting as a gatekeeper for LINE1 repression and cellular senescence in primates

Publications Citing of Biochempartner's Tenofovir(CAS:147127-20-6)


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