AT9283 (2S)-2-Hydroxypropanoic acid salt

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 896466-76-5 Cat. No. BCP01732
Name AT9283 (2S)-2-Hydroxypropanoic acid salt
Synonyms AT-9283;AT 9283;AT9283;
Formula C22H29N7O5 M. Wt 471.51
  • Biological Activity
Description AT9283 is a multikinase inhibitor, is also a small-molecule inhibitor of several kinases with potential antineoplastic activity. Multikinase inhibitor AT9283 binds to and inhibits Aurora kinases A and B, JAK2 (Janus kinase 2) and the kinase BCR-ABL, which may result in the inhibition of cellular division and proliferation and the induction of apoptosis in tumor cells that overexpress these kinases. Aurora kinases are serine-threonine kinases that play essential roles in mitotic checkpoint control during mitosis; JAK2 is a kinase that transduces signals from the single chain and IL-3 cytokine receptor families, and from the IFN-gamma receptors; BCR-ABL is a fusion protein with tyrosine kinase activity that is commonly found in CML.
Pathways Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase Cell Cycle/DNA Damage Jak/Stat Pathway Wnt/Stem Cell Epigenetics 
Targets Src/Bcr Abl Aurora JAK 


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