
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 212631-79-3 Cat. No. BCP01791
Name PD184352
Synonyms CI-1040;CI1040;CI 1040;PD-184352;PD 184352;
Formula C17H14ClF2IN2O2 M. Wt 478.66
  • Biological Activity
Description CI-1040 treatment produces a reduction of pMAPK levels in multiple tumor cells including Colon 26, BX-PC3 pancreatic, A431 cervical, HT-29 colon, ZR-25-1 breast and SKOV-3 ovarian carcinomas. CI-1040 treatment doesn't inhibit the phosphorylation of Jun kinase, p38 kinase or Akt, indicating CI-1040 specifically targets MEK. Inhibition of MAPK activation by CI-1040 prevents cell cycle progression and induces a G1 block. The IC50 for inhibition of MEK1 by CI-1040 is 0.3 μM, 15-fold higher than the concentration required to inhibit the EGF-induced activation of ERK2 in Swiss 3T3 cells. These results indicate CI-1040 exerts its effects on cells by suppressing the activation of MKK1, and not by blocking its activity. 2 nM PD184352 inhibits the activation of MKK1 in Swiss 3T3 cells by 50%, while over 100-fold concentration of CI-1040 inhibits MEK1 in vitro. PD184352 also inhibits the Raf-catalysed phosphorylation of MEK1 without any effect on the Raf-catalysed phosphorylation of myelin basic
Pathways MAPK Pathway 
Targets MEK/ERK 


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