
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 179324-69-7 Cat. No. BCP01781
Name Bortezomib
Synonyms PS-341;PS341;PS 341; LDP 341; LDP-341 ;LDP341; MLN341; MLN-341; MLN 341;
Formula C19H25BN4O4 M. Wt 384.24
  • Biological Activity
Description Bortezomib is a dipeptide boronic acid analogue with antineoplastic activity. Bortezomib reversibly inhibits the 26S proteasome, a large protease complex that degrades ubiquinated proteins. By blocking the targeted proteolysis normally performed by the proteasome, bortezomib disrupts various cell signaling pathways, leading to cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and inhibition of angiogenesis. Specifically, the agent inhibits nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB, a protein that is constitutively activated in some cancers, thereby interfering with NF-kappaB-mediated cell survival, tumor growth, and angiogenesis. In vivo, bortezomib delays tumor growth and enhances the cytotoxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets Proteasome 


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