
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 413611-93-5 Cat. No. BCP09223
Name 10074-G5
Synonyms 10074G5;10074 G5;
Formula C18H12N4O3 M. Wt 332.31
  • Biological Activity
Description 10074-G5 is a c-Myc Max interaction inhibitor. The c-Myc oncoprotein and its partner Max are intrinsically disordered (ID) monomers that undergo coupled folding and binding upon heterodimerization. 10074-G5, similarly to 10058-F4, specifically inhibits this interaction by binding to c-Myc, thus preventing C-Myc specific DNA binding and target genes regulation. 10074-G5 (2.8 microM) is slightly more potent that 10058-F4 (5.2 microM) most likely due to the fact that 10074-G5 binds to a different region of C-Myc than 10054-F4. Thus, the compound may become desirable for probing different interactions.
Pathways Apoptosis Pathway 
Targets c Myc 


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