
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 53230-10-7 Cat. No. BCP09262
Name Mefloquine
Synonyms Lariam; Ro 215998; Ro-215998; Ro215998; WR 142490; WR-142490; WR142490;
Formula C17H16F6N2O M. Wt 378.32
  • Biological Activity
Description Mefloquine is a quinolinemethanol derivative with antimalarial, anti-inflammatory, and potential chemosensitization and radiosensitization activities. Although the exact mechanism remains to be elucidated, mefloquine, a weak base, preferentially accumulates in lysosomes and disrupts lysosomal function and integrity, thereby leading to host cell death. Similar to chloroquine, the chemosensitizing and radiosensitizing activities of this agent may be related to its inhibition of autophagocytosis, a cellular mechanism involving lysosomal degradation that minimizes the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) related to tumor reoxygenation and tumor exposure to chemotherapeutic agents and radiation. Compared to chloroquine, mefloquine has better blood-brain-barrier (BBB) penetration.
Pathways Microbiology/Virology 
Targets Antiparasitics 


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