
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 543730-41-2 Cat. No. BCP10394
Name BMS-538203
Synonyms BMS 538203;BMS538203;
Formula C12H12FNO5 M. Wt 269.23
  • Biological Activity
Description In the current study we demonstrate a hit-to-clinical candidate pathway that resulted in 50- and 2000-fold improvements in enzyme-inhibition and antiviral activity without an increase in molecular weight or change in molecular topology. The original hit , 1 (mw = 268) was optimized in a stepwise manner. Potential covalent protein-binding moieties were removed by reducing the number of the ketone groups. High enzyme inhibition activity was achieved by optimizing the aryl-portion of the molecule. Protein binding was reduced by replacing the standard amide by the corresponding methyl-hydroxamide. This eventually led to the discovery of BMS-538203 compound 2 (mw = 269) a highly efficient inhibitor and antiviral agent.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme Microbiology/Virology 
Targets Integrase HIV 


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