Zinc Pyrithione

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 13463-41-7 Cat. No. BCP13412
Name Zinc Pyrithione
Formula C10H8N2O2S2Zn M. Wt 317.7
  • Biological Activity
Description Zinc pyrithione is considered as a coordination complex of zinc. The pyrithione ligands, which are formally monoanions, are chelated to Zn 2+ via oxygen and sulfur centers. In the crystalline state, zinc pyrithione exists as a centrosymmetric dimer, where each zinc is bonded to two sulfur and three oxygen centers. In solution, however, the dimers dissociate via scission of one Zn-O bond. Zinc pyrithione, which is a dimer but is probably biologically active as a monomer, induces plasma membrane depolarization with half-maximal effect (K1/2) of about 0.3 mM [1]. Zinc pyrithione is an unusual synthetic potentiator that potently activates both heterologous and native M channels by inducing channel opening at the resting potential . Zinc pyrithione rapidly accumulated in the tissues of the exposed mussels, proportionately to both exposure concentration and time. Even though the 7-d median lethal concentration (LC50)?= 8.27μM established here appears high with respect to reported ZnPT enviro
Pathways Ion Channel/Membrane Transporter 
Targets Proton Pump 


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