
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 7085-55-4 Cat. No. BCP13421
Name Troxerutin
Synonyms Trihydroxyethylrutin;Factor P-zyma; Flebil; Helveton; Pherarutin; Troxerutin; Veinamitol Pulver; Venaroid; Veno S;L Venoruton; Venoruton P4; Vitamin P4; Z 6000;
Formula C33H42O19 M. Wt 742.68
  • Biological Activity
Description Troxerutin is a flavonol, a type of flavonoid. It is more accurately a hydroxyethylrutoside. It can be isolated from Sophora japonica, the Japanese pagoda tree. It is used as a vasoprotective. Troxerutin has been shown in mice to reverse CNS insulin resistance and reduce reactive oxygen species induced by a high-cholesterol diet.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets NLR 


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