
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 65666-07-1 Cat. No. BCP13563
Name Silymarin
Formula C25H22O10 M. Wt 482.44
  • Biological Activity
Description Silymarin (Silybin B), a polyphenolic flavonoid extracted from the seeds of Silybum marianum or milk thistle, is used in the prevention and treatment of liver diseases and primary liver cancer. The mechanisms of action of silymarin involve different biochemical events, such as the stimulation of the synthetic rate of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) species through stimulation of polymerase I and rRNA transcription, protecting the cell membrane from radical-induced damage and blockage of the uptake of toxins such as alpha-amanitin. Silymarin can also provide substantial protection against different stages of UVB-induced carcinogenesis, possibly via its strong antioxidant properties.
Pathways Ion Channel/Membrane Transporter 
Targets P glycoprotein 


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