
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 147254-64-6 Cat. No. BCP14386
Name Ranirestat
Synonyms AS-3201; AS3201; AS 3201; SX-3201; SX3201; SX 3201;
Formula C17H11BrFN3O4 M. Wt 420.19
  • Biological Activity
Description Ranirestat, also known as AS-3201; SX-3201, is an aldose reductase inhibitor being developed for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy by Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma and PharmaKyorin. It has been granted orphan drug status. The drug is to be used orally. Aldose reductase is an enzyme that catalyzes one of the steps in sorbitol (polyol) pathway which is responsible for formation of fructose from glucose. Aldose reductase activity is increased, parallel to glucose blood levels, in tissues that are not insulin sensitive, including lenses, peripheral nerves and renal glomeruli. Sorbitol does not diffuse through cell membranes easily and therefore accumulates in these tissues, causing osmotic damage, leading to retinopathy and neuropathy.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets Aldose Reductase 


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