JNJ 31020028

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1094873-14-9 Cat. No. BCP14600
Name JNJ 31020028
Synonyms JNJ 31020028;JNJ31020028;
Formula C34H36FN5O2 M. Wt 565.68
  • Biological Activity
Description in vitro: JNJ-31020028 was demonstrated to be an antagonist (pK(B) = 8.04 +/- 0.13) in functional assays . in vivo: JNJ-31020028 occupied Y(2) receptor binding sites (approximately 90% at 10 mg/kg) after subcutaneous administration in rats [1]. Neither systemic (0, 15, 30, and 40 mg/kg, subcutaneously [s.c.]) nor intracerebroventricular (0.0, 0.3, and 1.0 nmol/rat) administration of JNJ-31020028 affected alcohol-reinforced lever pressing or relapse to alcohol seeking behavior following stress exposure. JNJ-31020028 (15 mg/kg, s.c.) did reverse the anxiogenic effects of withdrawal from a single bolus dose of alcohol on the elevated plus-maze, confirming the anxiolytic-like properties of NPY Y2 antagonism . Chronic administration of JNJ-31020028 induced a decrease in immobility time in the forced swim test in OBX while had no effect in control animals .
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Neuropeptide Receptor 


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