
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 330161-87-0 Cat. No. BCP14728
Name SU6656
Synonyms SU-6656;SU 6656;
Formula C19H21N3O3S1 M. Wt 371.45
  • Biological Activity
Description in vitro: By comparing PDGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation events in untreated and SU6656-treated cells, we found that some substrates (for example, c-Cbl, and protein kinase C delta) were Src family substrates whereas others (for example, phospholipase C-gamma) were not . Selective inhibition of SFKs with SU6656 delocalized E-cadherin and disrupted cellular junctions without affecting E-cadherin expression and this effect was phenocopied by knockdown of Src or Yes . Inhibiting Src kinase activity by SU6656 suppressed TGFβ-induced RhoA and ATF2 activation but not Smad2 phosphorylation . SU6656, the selective inhibitor of the Src kinase activity, decreased up-regulation of the mTORC1 signalling and moreover, unlike rapamycin, it did not induce the activation of Akt/PKB and its downstream targets in HBL melanoma cells . in vivo: Ischemic postconditioning induced neuroprotective effects were significantly attenuated by pre-treatment of selective Src Kinase inhibitors SU-6656 (4 mg/kg
Pathways Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets Src/Bcr Abl Kinesin 


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