
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 472-70-8 Cat. No. BCP18801
Name Cryptoxanthin
Synonyms Beta-Cryptoxanthin;B-cryptoxanthin; Beta-Caroten-3-ol;
Formula C40H56O M. Wt 552.87
  • Biological Activity
Description Cryptoxanthin is a natural carotenoid pigment. Cryptoxanthin is a mono-hydroxylated xanthophyll that is a provitamin A precursor.Beta-cryptoxanthin is a carotenol that exhibits antioxidant activity. It has been isolated from fruits such as papaya and oranges. It has a role as a provitamin A, an antioxidant, a biomarker and a plant metabolite. It derives from a hydride of a beta-carotene.


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