
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 610318-54-2 Cat. No. BCP31854
Name RGX-104
Synonyms RGX104; RGX 104; SB742881; SB-742881; SB 742881;
Formula C34H33ClF3NO3 M. Wt 596.09
  • Biological Activity
Description RGX-104 is a liver X receptor beta agonist with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities. Upon oral administration, RGX-104 selectively targets and binds to LXRbeta, thereby activating LXRbeta-mediated signaling, leading to the transcription of certain tumor suppressor genes and the downregulation of certain tumor promoter genes. This particularly activates the expression of apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a tumor suppressor protein, in tumor cells and certain immune cells. This activates the innate immune system, resulting in depletion of immunosuppressive myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), tumor cells and endothelial cells in the tumor microenvironment. This reverses immune evasion, enhances anti-tumor immune responses and inhibits proliferation of tumor cells.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets LXR 


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