
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 2639957-39-2 Cat. No. BCP49200
Name Exarafenib
Synonyms RAF/KIN_2787; KIN-2787; KIN 2787; KIN2787;
Formula C26H34F3N5O3 M. Wt 521.58
  • Biological Activity
Description Exarafenib is an orally available inhibitor of class I, II, and III B-Raf (BRAF) protein kinases, with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, exarafenib binds to and inhibits Class I, Class II, or Class III B-Raf mutations. This prevents B-Raf-mediated signal transduction pathways, which may lead to an inhibition of tumor growth in B-Raf mutant cells. B-Raf protein kinases play a key role in the RAF/MEK/ERK signaling pathway, which is often deregulated and mutated in human cancers, and plays a key role in tumor cell proliferation and survival.
Pathways MAPK Pathway 
Targets p38 MAPK Raf 


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