
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 885060-09-3 Cat. No. BCP07442
Name ARRY-520
Synonyms ARRY520;ARRY 520; Filanesib;
Formula C20H22F2N4O2S M. Wt 420.47
  • Biological Activity
Description ARRY-520 is a synthetic, small molecule targeting the kinesin spindle protein (KSP) with potential antineoplastic activity. KSP inhibitor ARRY-520 specifically inhibits KSP (kinesin-5 or Eg5), resulting in activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint, induction of cell cycle arrest during the mitotic phase, and consequently cell death in tumor cells that are actively dividing. Because KSP is not involved in postmitotic processes, such as neuronal transport, this agent does not cause the peripheral neuropathy that is often associated with tubulin-targeting agents. KSP is an ATP-dependent microtubule motor protein that is essential for the formation of bipolar spindles and the proper segregation of sister chromatids during mitosis.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets Kinesin 


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