
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 900515-16-4 Cat. No. BCP01892
Name AS252424
Synonyms AS 252424;AS-252424;
Formula C14H8FNO4S M. Wt 305.28
  • Biological Activity
Description AS-252424 shows reduced potency on PI3Kα with an IC50 with 935 nM. When screening against 80 different Ser/Thr and Tyr kinases, AS-252424 doesn't show significant inhibit towards any of them at 10 μM except for CK2. AS-252424 inhibits C5a-mediated PKB/Akt phosphorylation in a concentration- dependent manner with submicromolar or low-micromolar IC50 value. AS-252424 inhibits MCP-1-mediated chemotaxis in wild-type primary monocytes in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 52 μM, as well as in the monocytic cell line THP-1 with an IC50 value of 53 μM. AS252424 specifically blocks proliferation in the pancreatic cancer cell lines HPAF and Capan1, as assessed by cell counting. A recent research indicates 100 nM of AS-252424 significantly reduces [Ca2+]i, ICa and Ca2+ transients in HL-1 cardiomyocytes.
Pathways PI3K/Akt/mTOR 
Targets PI3K 


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