
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 945614-12-0 Cat. No. BCP28410
Name Pexmetinib
Synonyms ARRY614; ARRY-614; ARRY 614;
Formula C31H33FN6O3 M. Wt 556.63
  • Biological Activity
Description Pexmetinib, also known as ARRY-614, is an orally bioavailable small-molecule inhibitor of p38 and Tie2 kinases with potential antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenic activities. p38/Tie2 kinase inhibitor Arry-614 binds to and inhibits the activities of p38 and Tie2 kinases, which may inhibit the production of proinflammatory cytokines and may decrease tumor angiogenesis and tumor cell growth and survival. p38 is a MAP kinase that is often upregulated in cancer cells, playing a crucial part in the production of a variety of cytokines involved in inflammation and cellular proliferation such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-1 and -6. Tie2 is an endothelial cell specific receptor that is activated by angiopoietins, growth factors required for angiogenesis.
Pathways Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase MAPK Pathway 
Targets p38 MAPK Tie2 


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