
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1037210-93-7 Cat. No. BCP25392
Name Saridegib
Synonyms IPI 926; IPI-926; IPI926;Patidegip;
Formula C29H48N2O3S M. Wt 504.77
  • Biological Activity
Description Saridegib, also known as IPI-926, is an orally bioavailable, cyclopamine-derived (for structure comparison see Fig 1) inhibitor of the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway with potential antineoplastic activity. Specifically, Hedgehog pathway inhibitor IPI-926 binds to and inhibits the cell membrane-spanning G-protein coupled receptor SMO, which may result in the suppression of Hh pathway signaling and a decrease in tumor cell proliferation and survival. SMO is activated upon binding of Hh ligand to the cell surface receptor Patched (PTCH); inappropriate activation of Hh signaling and uncontrolled cellular proliferation may be associated with SMO mutations.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Smoothened/Smo 


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