
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 425671-29-0 Cat. No. BCP34904
Name LY518674
Synonyms LY-518674; LY 518674;LY-674;LY 674;LY674;
Formula C23H27N3O4 M. Wt 409.49
  • Biological Activity
Description LY518674 is a Potent and selective PPAR-alpha agonist. LY518674 upregulates both ApoA-I production and catabolism in human subjects with the metabolic syndrome. LY518674 produced a dose-dependent increase in serum HDL-c, resulting in 208 +/- 15% elevation at optimum dose. In cultured hepatocytes, LY518674 produced 50% higher apoA-1 secretion, which was associated with increase in radiolabeled methionine incorporation in apoA-1. LY518674 is a potent and selective PPARalpha agonist that produced a much greater increase in serum HDL-c than the known fibrate drugs.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets PPAR 


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