
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 921605-87-0 Cat. No. BCP46714
Name MF438
Synonyms MF-438; MF 438;
Formula C19H18F3N5OS M. Wt 421.44
  • Biological Activity
Description MF-438 is a potent and orally bioavailable SCD inhibitor. MF-438 exhibits good pharmacokinetics and metabolic stability, thereby serving as a valuable tool for further understanding the role of SCD inhibition in biological and pharmacological models of diseases related to metabolic disorders. Co-treatment with cisplatin and MF-438 reverts upregulation of CSCs markers, strongly synergizes in the inhibition of 3D spheroids formation and induces CSCs apoptosis.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets SCD 


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