
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1030612-87-3 Cat. No. BCP06568
Name MK-8245
Synonyms MK 8245;MK8245;
Formula C16H15BrFN7O3S M. Wt 484.3
  • Biological Activity
Description MK-8245 is a potent, liver-targeted SCD inhibitor with preclinical antidiabetic and antidyslipidemic efficacy with a significantly improved therapeutic window. MK-8245 was believed to inhibit the SCD enzyme solely in the liver and not in other tissues for the following reasons. When SCD inhibition has been measured by desaturation index in tissues of rodents treated with MK-8245, the desaturation index was significantly reduced in liver but not in other tissues such as skin, eye and adipose tissue.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets SCD 


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